Executive Committee Volunteers

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Call for Kitsilano Parent Advisory Council (PAC) Executive Committee Volunteers!

We are looking for parents interested in serving on the executive committee of the Kitsilano Secondary Parents Advisory Committee.

Please fill in this form to express your interest or get more information if you have experience and are interested in serving in one of the executive positions listed below.  For detailed information on the duties of the Executive Officers please refer to the Constitution and By-laws on the Kitsilano PAC website.

    Please place a check mark in the boxes to indicate which roles interest you.

    Executive Position

    Indicate Your Interest


    The Chairperson(s) is responsible for preparing for, convening and presiding at membership, special, and Executive Committee meetings. Assisting members of PAC in finding resources, working with the Executive Committee to appoint committees, consulting with PAC members, and ensure that the PAC is represented in school and school district activities, submit an annual report at the Annual General Meeting of the Council summarizing the year’s activities, and other duties as outlined in the Constitution and By-laws.


    The Vice-Chairperson(s) assumes the responsibilities of the Chairperson in the Chairperson's absence or upon request and assist the Chairperson in the performance of his/her duties, accept extra duties as required, and other dutites as outlined in the Constitution and By-laws.


    The Secretary ensures that members are notified of meetings, records the minutes of regular, special, executive, and the Annual General Meeting. Keeps an accurate and up-to-date copy of the Constitution and By-laws and have copies available for members; issues and receives correspondence on behalf of the organization; safely keeps all records of the Council; ensure official notice is given to the appropriate groups as required; and other duties as outlined in the Constitution and By-laws.


    The Treasurer maintains an accurate record of all expenditures of the PAC and gives a report of all receipts and expenditures at all regular meetings. The Treasurer maintains the books for PAC and makes them available for viewing by members upon request as well has having them ready for inspection or audit annually. With the assistance of the Executive Committee, drafts a budget and tentative plan of expenditures, and submits an annual PAC financial statement at the Annual General Meeting of the Council as well as other duties as outlined in the Constitution and By-laws.

    District Parent Advisory Council Representative

    The DPAC representative from Kits PAC represents the views and positions of Kits PAC to the District Parent Advisory Council of the Vancouver School District and acts as a liaison between the DPAC and PAC, providing PAC with information about District events, policies and developments. They also vote at DPAC as a representative of Kits PAC, provide liaison with provincial parent bodies, including BCCPAC, in the absence of any other specifically designated representative from PAC, and other duties as outlined in the Constitution and By-laws.