Crisis Centre resources

On April 04 2023 Kits PAC hosted a presentation by Crisis Centre staff and volunteers on coping with unexpected loss in a student community.  The Centre gifted us with some print resources (attached), and some information about some of their services, particularly:

  1. A new Crisis Centre online program for schools and use called Mind Flip.  Parents and counsellors are also welcome to use and share it.  Here’s a link for more information and to access (free).
  2. A range of training programs suitable for parents and community members, in particular safeTALK (in person) as well as Skillfully Responding to Distress (online) – access information and registration here. Both of these half-day workshops are offered monthly.
  3. An online Wellness and Resiliency program that includes topics for stress management, burnout prevention, compassion fatigue, and managing emotions.